1) The site plan of the proposes export oriented unit indicating the location of the premises and the details of the total area, covered area and manufacturing area and separate storage areas for manufactured goods, factory rejects and wastages;
2) National Tax Number certificate;
3) Banker’s certificate, directly forwarded by the bank to the Collector in a sealed envelope, regarding financial transactions of the applicant during the last two years;
4) Memorandum and Articles of Association in the case where the applicant is registered under the Companies Ordinance, 1984 (XLVII of 1984), or partnership deed if it is a partnership firm;
5) Copy of the national identity card of owner and directors of the company;
6) General bond equal to the amount of duty and taxes;
7) Lease or tenancy agreement with the written permission from the landlord to use the premises as an export oriented unit for a period of at least two years;
8) Certificate from supplier of firefighting equipment installed in the premises regarding its validity date;
9) Comprehensive insurance policy covering all risks such as fire, burglary, riots, strikes, malicious damage and allied perils, issued by an insurance company having paid up capital not less than Rs.120 million, registered with The Controller of Insurance, Ministry of Commerce, in the sum equal to the maximum face value of proposed license, covering the total amount of the customs-duties, federal excise duty, sales tax and any other tax leviable on the imported goods or locally procured goods, in an export oriented unit;
10) An undertaking by an insurance company duly approved by the Controller of Insurance, Ministry of Commerce, on the stamp paper undertaking that-
(i) Full premium under the aforesaid insurance policy has been duly received;
(ii) In case the licensee does not make the required stock declaration in time, the company shall immediately inform the Collector; and
(iii) Breach of warranty by the licensee or non-compliance or omission of any nature by the licensee shall not prejudice any claim lodged by the Collector;
11) Recommendations of the relevant representative trade association, or Chamber of Commerce and Industry, or Trade Development Authority of Pakistan; and
12) Details of the type of machinery installed.