Registration Of Partnership Firm (Under Partnership act 1932)
Two or more persons can form a firm in line with the provisions of Partnership Act, 1932 for starting a business in Pakistan. For partnership firm registration in Pakistan an application is required to be filed with the registrar of the firms on Form 1 along with certain documents these are mentioned as under:
Documents Required For Partnership Firm Registration.
- Form “A” duly signed by the partners.
- Partnership deed duly signed by partners.
- CNIC Photocopies of partners and Witness
Dissolution Of Partnership Firm:
Under the Act, a partnership will be automatically dissolved if any of the following happen:
- A partner dies or becomes bankrupt;
- The court orders the partnership to dissolve;
- It’s illegal to carry on the business of the partnership;
- The partnership was formed for a pre-agreed fixed term and that term has come to an end;
- The partnership was created to do a specific thing or for a specific objective, and the project is complete;
- A partner gives notice to dissolve the partnership to the other partners. The notice doesn’t need to state a reason and it can have immediate effect.
Documents Required For Dissolution Of Partnership Firm.
- Form “E” duly signed by the partners.
- Dissolution deed duly signed by partners.
- CNIC Photocopies of partners and Witness
- All partners present in Registrar office
Amendment In Firm Partnership Deed:
The Partners are bound to inform the Registrar of Firms about any changes in the Partnership Firm. Consequent to which they are to draft a amended Partnership Deed as per the changes and to file again the application along with required documents to the Registrar of Firms with the applicable fees. Partnership deed amended in the below mentioned cases:-
- The Place of business change
- The Partners may to change the name of the Firm
- Admission of new partners in the Firm
- The old partners resign or leave from the Firm
- Change in the name and permanent address of the partners
Documents Required For Amendment In Partnership Firm.
- Form “E” duly signed by the partners.
- Amended Partnership deed duly signed by partners.
- CNIC Photocopies of partners and Witness
Certified True Copy (Ctc) Of Partnership Deed:
We obtain certified true copy of partnership deed and registration certificate from concern registration authority for clients on their behalf. Clients need these documents to submit on different forum like Banks and for obtain another registration.